
It has been over 2 months now since Hurricane Helene devastated parts of east Tennessee, southern Virginia, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and western North Carolina where I live. I'm sick of saying the word "hurricane." I want to gather up all these people who never leave my thoughts and take them somewhere warm and safe with me, where I can know them and love them outside of this awful circumstance. I saw videos of a geologist showing our earth's flesh peeled back to the bones of her bedrock, and I want to gather her wounded mountains and take them with us, too. My first instinct is to run, but my decision is to stay. That and witnessing what is happening around me have made me think a lot about the concept of poverty. It used to be that when I thought about poverty, it was strictly related to money, or a lack of it. But I'm realizing now that it has almost nothing to do with money. I have realized over time that there are 3 of me: There is Illinois Julie, w...